Czech Team

Quality in Higher Education Transparency Tools

Helena Šebková, Věra Šťastná. Presentation at the 12th UNICA BOLOGNA LAB Meeting, Prague, December 2011


European Standards and Guidelines for AQ in the EHEA: Map-ESG and IBAR projects

Helena Šebková. Presentation at the national conference on quality in higher education, Masaryk University, Telč, May 2012.


Achieved Results and Barriers of ESG Implementation (Dosažené výsledky a bariéry implementace ESG)

Helena Šebková. Presentation at the national seminar, Palacky University in Olomouc, October 2012.


IBAR: The European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) regarding the quality of academic staff (IBAR: Evropské standardy a směrnice týkající se kvality akademických pracovníků)

Vladimír Roskovec. Presentation at the national seminar, Palacky University in Olomouc, October 2012.


Identification of barriers of the ESG implementation (Identifikace bariér při implementaci ESG)

Helena Šebková. Presentation at the international workshop, University of Konstantin Philosopher in Nitra, December 2012.


Quality and higher education institutions´ management, IBAR results (Kvalita a řízení vysokých škol, výsledky projektu IBAR)

Vladimír Roskovec. Presentation at the international workshop, University of Konstantin Philosopher in Nitra, December 2012.